2006 Rotaract District Assembly
14th-15th July
The 2006 Rotaract District Assembly was held at Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. The event was jointly organized by Rotaract Clubs of Republic Polytechnic and Singapore West. Our club sent 5 delegates to attend the assembly: Andrea (Immediate Past President), Michael Villarin(Vice President), Charllene (Director of International Service), Judieth (Vice Secretary) and Aaron (Director of Community Service).
After registering and settling down on the first day, a PETS (President elect training Seminar) was held and conducted by DRR Zack and IPDRR Audrey. Both of them gave an interesting talk on the roles and responsibilities of a President, and also valuable insight on leading a Rotaract club. It was truly a beneficial session for all the participants.
The opening ceremony was held the next day, with the Guest of Honour being our District Governor, Dr. Wu Dar Ching.The new District team was installed, and our club is proud of the 2 members who were elected into this year's District team(Andrea as ZR for Zone 4, and Michael Villarin as Bulletin Director). The winners of the Rotaract District Awards were also announced during the opening ceremony, and our club managed to win the award for Outstanding Community Service Project with our "Books Collecting for Rural Schools" project.

2006-2007 District Team with DG Dr. Wu
The workshops were conducted in the afternoon, with each workshop catering to a specific post in Rotaract. Workshops for Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers as well as Directors for the 4 Avenues of Service were conducted by experienced and dedicated Rotarians and Rotaractors. It was indeed a very knowledgeable and beneficial session for all our members.Our members would like to congratulate the Rotaract Clubs of Republic Polytechnic and Singapore West for a job well done in organizing the event. We would also like to thank the Rotaractors who hosted our members graciously during the Assembly and also the knowledgeable Rotarians for their valuable advice. Hope to see you guys soon!