Monday, April 17, 2006

Official Launching of New Club Logo

15th April 2006

The club's new logo was launched at the 1st Official Members' Induction Ceremony of 2006. The new logo was designed by Rtr. Serena Sim, the club's Director of Information and Communication, who is also a multimedia student of Swinburne.

Our brand new logo

The basis of the logo comes from both the Rotaract and the Swinburne logo. The cinquefoil (flower) is done in yellow with a black outline, as these are Swinburne Sarawak official colours. The cinquefoil actually originates from the Swinburne family's coat of arms. Swinburne University of Technology is unique in the sense that there are still ties with the family of George Swinburne, the founder of Swinburne, and this is shown by the use of the coat of arms.

It is hoped that this new logo will be able to distinguish the club, its achievements and its future projects. The club hopes that they will be instantly identifiable by the logo, and such, it will be used in all documents and publicity.

1st Official Members' Induction Ceremony of 2006

15th April 2006

The 1st Official Members' Induction Ceremony was held to induct and officially welcome the new members to the club. The ceremony was graced by PE Chai Ko Jee, PP Frankie Yang, the President Elect and the Service to New Generations Director of Rotary Club of Kuching Central respectively, Rtn. Fadzilli, Club Advisor and Mr. Yap Kiam Leong, the Finance & Administration Manager of Swinburne University.

A total of 45 new members who had met the club's requirements, were
inducted at the ceremony. It started off with a welcoming speech by President Andrea, followed by the Inductor's pledge. The new members responded by reciting the Inducting pledge and promised to uphold the name of the club, Rotaract and also to continue in Rotaract's activities. They were then presented with induction certificates, witnessed by the 3 guests of honour.

New members reciting the pledge


Next, the club's new logo was launched by President Andrea, PE Ko Jee, PP Frankie and Mr. Yap. At the same time, the club blog was shown. Everyone was invited to visit it frequently, as it would be updated with the newest reports and activity announcements. The ceremony ended with a group photo.

Everything new - banner & logo

Our family keeps growing :D

Saturday, April 15, 2006

LOTR trilogy movie screening

17th, 24th, 31st March 2006

A free movie screening was held for our members and students of Swinburne recently. As voted by the students and members during the general meeting, The Lord Of the Rings trilogy was shown. The screening was held every Friday night starting from 17th March until 31st March at one of our University's lecture halls.

Quite a number of people attended the screening, as the version shown was the extended version which had extra scenes not shown in the cinema. Snacks were provided and everyone was encouraged to bring their favourite tit bits as well. The cinematic atmosphere was well emulated with the use of the lecture hall's LCD projector giving a nice 'big screen' effect to the movie.

Moviegoers thoroughly enjoyed themselves as they relived their favourite moments of the trilogy. Everyone had fun during this movie screening, which is the first our Rotaract Club has organised but it will not be the last.

Peter Jackson's Epic Trilogy-- Relived in Swinburne!

Ice Age 2 Charity Movie Premiere

30th March 2006

On the 30th of March 2006, the Rotaract Club of Swinburne Sarawak held a charity movie premiere of the family animated feature film 'Ice Age 2' at Star Cineplex Kuching. The premiere was jointly organized together with the Interact Clubs of SMK Kuching Town No.1, SMK Kuching High, SMK St. Joseph Kuching and the Rotary Club of Kuching Central.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

Guests waiting excitedly for the start of the movie

The members of the participating clubs and schools were very supportive and turned up in full force at the premiere. All the guests were impressed with the handbook that had been printed in conjunction with the premiere. They also agreed that the movie was highly entertaining and well worth the money.

Scrat, the most unlucky but also most popular character

Approximately RM5,600 was raised to promote literacy and reading in two rural primary schools on the outskirts of Kuching, Sarawak. The proceeds of the premiere would be used to purchase new and suitable reading material to be contributed at a later date to the primary schoolchildren.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

4th Club Gathering

25th March 2006

The 4th Club Gathering was attended by approximately 20 BOD and prospective members. The afternoon was dedicated to fun and games to promote fellowship and Rotaract amongst the new students. There was lots of laughter as the games started off with 'What's your favourite pet?' where everyone had to draw their favourite or ideal pet on pieces of paper. The drawings were randomly given out and had to be matched back to the owner. The person holding the drawing would have to introduce themselves to the owner and get to know them better.

Next, it was 'Backfire!'. Everyone was required to write down an action they wanted to be carried out, and the slips of paper were returned to Charllene, the Games Mistress for the day. She then asked people questions such as 'Who do you think has the potential to be a good singer?' The person they named, would then have to carry out the action that he or she wrote down, thus the name 'Backfire'. It was especially interesting to see the crazy actions suggested by the more naughty people of the group, being carried out by themselves. Kind of like 'a taste of their own medicine'.

Edison kissing his new wife, after a successful proposal

Mike: Do u Charllene, want to buy this handful of air?

RAC Swinburne's award-winning monkey

And of course, there was the infamous traditional Rotaract game, 'Lap Dance'. Charllene asked a series of questions, and those found the question applicable to them, would move a step to the right or left as instructed. If the seat was occupied by someone else, then the person on top would just take a seat, on their lap! This led to many pile-ups and traffic-jams all through the circle. Finally, after a lot of squashed legs and human sandwiches, Edison Ho, managed to reach his own chair and was awarded a hamper for his efforts.

The last game was 'Charades' and the participants were divided into 4 groups. Each group took turns to send a representative to act out movie scenes or titles and the rest of the group would guess. There were some hits and misses as each representative had their own version of the movie.

The winning group for Charades

Before the prize-giving ceremony, President Andrea gave a short presentation to remind the prospective members about the upcoming activities over the next 2 months. Hampers were then given out to the deserving winners and a group photo was taken. Overall, it was a fun but tiring afternoon for everyone.

Had a great time!

1st General Meeting of 2006

10th March 2006

A total of 30 students interested in Rotaract attended the 1st General Meeting of 2006, together with the BOD. The meeting was also graced by PP Frankie Yang, the Service to New Generations Director for the Rotary Club of Kuching Central.

All attention to the front

The prospective members were briefed on the club's past activities by the President. This was followed by a short multimedia presentation showing the activities' pictures. The members were then asked to vote for the future activities they wanted to be organized. To close the meeting, PP Frankie gave a short speech on Rotary International and the roles of Rotary in association with Rotaract.

PP Frankie in his element